Lichaam stimulator
110W / Dual Massaging Rollers / Infrared Water capacity 8L/ Herbal Diffuser Bubbles / Vibration / Keep Warm
Feature: cylindrical massager with herbal diffuser / 2 rollers / Infrared / Warm / Bubble / Vibration Foot Cleaner with 4 attachments
Feature: 12 massage wheel / 2 rollers / Infrared Warm / Bubble / Vibration Approval: CE & GS
Feature: Big Massage Wheels / 2 rollers / Infrared Warm / Bubble / Vibration
Butterfly Shaped Massager / Manicure set Infrared / 4 setting: vibration, warm, bubble 4.2L / 220V 70-90W / GS & CE Approved
Bicycling Rollers Infrared 4 setting: vibration, warm, bubble 4.2L / 220V 70-90W / GS & CE Approved
M- shaped Rollers Massager / Infrared 4 setting: vibration, warm, bubble 4.2L / 220V 70-90W / GS & CE Approved
Foot Cleaner with 4 attachments Nail Dryer /Aroma Diffuser / Infrared / bubble / Vibration / Warm/ GS & CE 90W, 220V